Federica Genovese. 2020. Weak States at Global Climate Negotiations. Cambridge University Press (Appendix)
- Reviewed in Global Policy- Recipient of the 2013 C. M. Santoro Prize from the Italian Political Science Association (paper version) Federica Genovese and Salvatore Vassallo (co-eds). Politica in Italia 2023. Il Mulino. - Special Issue: Contemporary Italian Politics, vol:15, SI:2 Articles
18. Federica Genovese. 2024. The Politics of Sea Migrants in Southern Europe: Public Attitudes and Policy Implications. Mediterranean Politics.
12. Federica Genovese. 2021. Market Responses to Global Governance: International Climate Cooperation and Europe's Carbon Trading. Business and Politics, 23(1): 91-123. (Pre-print, replication archive, Appendix)
10. Federica Genovese and Gerald Schneider. 2020. Smoke with Fire: Financial Crises and the Demand for Parliamentary Oversight in the European Union. Review of International Organizations, 15(3), 633-665 (replication archive, Appendix)
7. Michael M. Bechtel Federica Genovese and Kenneth Scheve. 2019. Interests, Norms, and Support for the Provision of Global Public Goods: The Case of Climate Cooperation. British Journal of Political Science, 49(4), 1333-1355 (replication archive, Appendix)
2. Federica Genovese. 2015. 'Politics Ex Cathedra': Religious Authority and the Pope in Modern International Relations. Research & Politics, 2:4, 1-15 (replication archive)
- Nikhar Gaikwad, Federica Genovese and Dustin Tingley. Climate Action from Abroad: Assessing Mass Support for Cross-Border Climate Transfers (Revise & Resubmit)
- pre-registration - Patrick Bayer and Federica Genovese. Climate Policy Costs, Regional Politics and Backlash against International Cooperation (Revise & Resubmit) - pre-registration - Lorenzo Crippa and Federica Genovese. Papal Dividends: Popes' Political Communications and Financial Markets.
- Federica Genovese, Margherita Belgioioso and Florian Kern. The Political Geography of Migrant Reception and Public Opinion on Immigration: Evidence from Italy
- pre-registration
- Federica Genovese, Dafni Pantera and Roi Zur. All Shades of Green: Chromatic Variation and Political Alignment in European Green Parties - Michael Lerner, Federica Genovese, Alexander Gard-Murray, Katja Biedenkopf, Danae Kyriakopoulou, Andrés Olarte-Peña, Samuel J. Okullo, Marcos Castro, Harikumar Gadde. Expert Preferences for Carbon Pricing in the Developing World. - pre-registration - Patrick Bayer, Lorenzo Crippa and Federica Genovese. Energy Transition, Financial Markets and EU Interventionism. - Mats Ahrenshop, Anthony Calacino, Federica Genovese and Hayley Pring. Mapping the Political Economy of Climate Vulnerability in the Global South.
- Anthony Calacino, Federica Genovese and Hayley Pring. Offshore Outlaws: Brexit, Regulatory Uncertainty and Oil Spills in the North Sea