
Federica Genovese. 2020. Weak States at Global Climate Negotiations. Cambridge University Press (Appendix)
               - Reviewed in Global Policy
               - Recipient of the 2013 C. M. Santoro Prize from the Italian Political Science Association (paper version)

Federica Genovese and Salvatore Vassallo (co-eds). Politica in Italia 2023. Il Mulino.
               - Special IssueContemporary Italian Politics, vol:15, SI:2

18. Federica Genovese. 2024. The Politics of Sea Migrants in Southern Europe: Public Attitudes and Policy Implications. Mediterranean Politics.

17. Abel Brodeur, Kevin Esterling, Joerg Ankel-Peters, Natalia S. Bueno, Scott Desposato, Anna Dreber, Federica Genovese, Donald P. Green, Matthew Hepplewhite, Fernando Hoces de la Guardia, Magnus Johannesson, Andreas Kotsadam, Edward Miguel, Yamil R. Velez, Lauren Young. 2024. Promoting Reproducibility and Replicability in Political Science. Research & Politics, 11(1): 1-8 (Appendix)

16. Federica Genovese. 2023. Empathy, Geography and Immigration: Political Framing of Sea Migrant Arrivals in European MediaEuropean Union Politics, 24(4): 771-784 (replication archive)

15. Federica Genovese, Richard McAlexander and Johannes Urpelainen. 2023. Institutional Roots of International Alliances: Party Groupings and Position Similarity at Global Climate Negotiations. Review of International Organizations, 18(2): 329-359 (replication archive

Nikhar Gaikwad, Federica Genovese and Dustin Tingley. 2022. Creating Climate Coalitions: Mass Preferences for Compensating Vulnerability in the World's Two Largest Democracies. American Political Science Review, 116 (4): 1165-1183. (replication archive)
               - Featured in the New York Times; summary at EGAP

13. Federica Genovese and Héctor Hermida Rivera. 2022. Government Ideology and Bailout Conditionality in the European Financial Crisis. International Interactions, 48(5): 897-935 (replication archive)

12. Federica Genovese. 2021. Market Responses to Global Governance: International Climate Cooperation and Europe's Carbon TradingBusiness and Politics, 23(1): 91-123. (Pre-printreplication archiveAppendix)
             - Winner of the David P. Baron award for best article published in 2021
11. Patrick Bayer and Federica Genovese. 2020. Beliefs about Consequences from Climate Action under Weak Global Institutions: Sectors, Home Bias, and International Embeddedness. Global Environmental Politics, 20(4): 28-50 (replication archiveAppendix, Pre-registration) 
 Featured in The Conversation and the fifteen eightyfour blog

10. Federica Genovese and Gerald Schneider. 2020. Smoke with Fire: Financial Crises and the Demand for Parliamentary Oversight in the European Union. Review of International Organizations, 15(3), 633-665 (replication archiveAppendix)
              - Featured in the LSE EUROPP blog
9. Federica Genovese. 2020. Domestic sources of “mild” positions on international cooperation: Italy and global climate policyItalian Political Science, 15(1):1-19.
8. Federica Genovese. 2019. Sectors, Pollution, and Trade: How Industrial Interests Shape Domestic Positions on Global Climate Agreements. International Studies Quarterly, 63(4), 819-836 (replication archiveAppendix)
              - Featured in the LSE EUROPP blog 

7. Michael M. Bechtel Federica Genovese and Kenneth Scheve. 2019. Interests, Norms, and Support for the Provision of Global Public Goods: The Case of Climate Cooperation. British Journal of Political Science, 49(4), 1333-1355 (replication archive, Appendix)
              - Featured in the LSE EUROPP blog

6. Federica Genovese and Endre Tvinnereim. 2019. Who Opposes Climate Regulation? Business Preferences for the European Emission Trading Scheme. Review of International Organizations, 14(3), 511-542 (replication archiveAppendix)
          - Featured in the Carbon Market Monitor and the Initiative For Sustainable Energy Policy blog
5. Federica Genovese. 2019. Politics @Pontifex: International Crises and Political Patterns of Papal Tweets. PS: Political Science & Politics, 52(1), 7-13 (replication archive, Appendix)
          - Featured in The Washington Post's Monkey Cage
4. Federica Genovese, Florian Kern and Christian Martin. 2017. Policy Alteration: Rethinking Diffusion Processes when Policies have Alternatives. International Studies Quarterly, 61:2, 236-252 (replication archive, Appendix)
3. Federica Genovese, Gerald Schneider and Pia Wassmann. 2016. The Eurotower Strikes Back: Crises, Adjustments and Europe's Austerity Protests. Comparative Political Studies, 49:7, 939-967 (replication archiveAppendix)
          - Featured in The Washington Post's Monkey Cage and The LSE EUROPP blogs

2. Federica Genovese. 2015. 'Politics Ex Cathedra': Religious Authority and the Pope in Modern International Relations. Research & Politics, 2:4, 1-15 (replication archive)
             - Featured in 2016's InTrasformazione: Rivista di Storia delle Idee, 5:2
1. Federica Genovese. 2014. States' Interests at International Climate Negotiations: New Measures of Bargaining Positions. Environmental Politics, 23:4, 610-631 (Appendix, R code

          - Featured in The LSE EUROPP blog

Working Manuscripts 

Nikhar Gaikwad, Federica Genovese and Dustin Tingley.  Climate Action from Abroad:  Assessing Mass Support for Cross-Border Climate Transfers (Revise & Resubmit)
          - pre-registration

Patrick Bayer and Federica Genovese. Climate Policy Costs, Regional Politics and Backlash against International Cooperation (Revise & Resubmit)

Lorenzo Crippa and Federica Genovese. Papal Dividends: Popes' Political Communications and Financial Markets.

- Federica Genovese, Dafni Pantera and Roi Zur. All Shades of Green: Chromatic Variation and Political Alignment in European Green Parties

- Michael Lerner, Federica Genovese, 
Alexander Gard-MurrayKatja Biedenkopf, Danae KyriakopoulouAndrés Olarte-Peña, Samuel J. Okullo, Marcos Castro, Harikumar Gadde. Expert Preferences for Carbon Pricing in the Developing World.
         - pre-registration 

- Patrick Bayer, Lorenzo Crippa and Federica Genovese. Energy Transition, Financial Markets and EU Interventionism.

Mats Ahrenshop, Anthony Calacino, Federica Genovese and Hayley Pring. Mapping the Political Economy of Climate Vulnerability in the Global South.

Anthony Calacino, Federica Genovese and Hayley Pring. Offshore Outlaws: Brexit, Regulatory Uncertainty and Oil Spills in the North Sea